17 Mayıs 2020 Pazar


Hello everyone! Today I wanna talk about podcasts. A podcast is simply an episodic audiofile. It must be about a specific topic or theme. You can listen to podcasts with your smartphones everywhere and everytime you want. Since there are numerous podcasts about numerous topics, I'm sure everyone can find one about a topic they're interested in.

I want to introduce Anchor, which is an application for podcast recording and listening, with you. I discovered it newly, yet I can say that I am already impressed. Thanks to Anchor, you can record or listen to podcasts everywhere and everytime you want easily. You can record them as segments, and share as episodes. You can add background music, title, description, tag and cover picture to your podcasts. With all these qualifications and more, Anchor is an amazing application for the ones who are interested in podcasts. I hope you enjoy my first podcast on Anchor. It is about Total Physical Response (TPR) as a language teaching approach and here's the link for it: https://anchor.fm/zu00fcleyha-bozkurt/episodes/Total-Physical-Response-ee6dcs

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