30 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

Virtual Reality

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about an important system of today's world. Yup, virtual reality!!

Virtual reality is the meeting of virtuality and reality in simple terms. Now let me explain what I mean in detail. The virtual part of this system is mostly provided by software programming. Today people can make use of computer technology, which is the most important part of virtuality, to create a simulated environment. Surely this means without changing your environment in real world, you can be in another environment thanks to VR. The heart of the matter is that it can completely make you feel like you are really there. The environment created by VR encourages the users to accept and believe it as a real environment. VR experience primarily focuses on the senses of vision and sound.

This technology is used in many field like video games, social apps, vehicle simulators, medicine, car design and education. I will indeed focus on the field of education in this blog. VR solutions for education to be used in schools are stil not at the intended level. Since students are likely to have a better retention through seeing, hearing and doing, it can’t be denied that VR fits greatly with their needs though. It offers detailed visualization. Besides it provides teacher with headsets virtually taking students out the classroom, and making them explore in first person various settings.

To touch upon my on field, which is English Language Teaching, I can say instead of making students work on papers to do activities, you can make them feel like being in the real environment of that language. For example if you assign your students with a presentation, they can practice public speaking thanks to VR, and thusly they can get encouragement. You can make your students watch 360 degree videos, and want them to explain what they see in the target language, which will make them feel like being in the real environment of that language. Apart from these, you can make use of new platforms like YouTube 360, Samsung Gear, and Oculus Go. To sum up the use of VR may be not still at the intended level all around the world. Though it is an undeniable fact that its effects are increasing, so we had better do our best to learn and use VR in order to catch up with current needs.

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